Frequently Asked Questions
Who can participate in this program?
Any child from birth until he or she enters kindergarten can participate in the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program.
1,000 books! That Sounds like a lot, how long will the program take?
The program can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. The program is self-paced and will depend on how often you read together.
Reading just one book a day/night will give you 365 books in a year, 730 books in 2 years and 1,095 books in three years. If you read 2 books a day/night that gives you 730 books in just one year and reading 3 books a day/night will give you 1095 books a year!
Does it count if we read the same book more than once?
Yes! For this program it does not have to be 1,000 different books just 1,000 books total. So if you read the same book 3 times in one night that counts as 3 books towards your 1,000.
Does it only count if I am the one reading to my child?
No, anyone can read to the child who is participating in the program! Mom, Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, babysitters, siblings all count. And if you go to storytime at the library make sure you count the books the librarian reads during storytime too!
How do I register/get started?
Stop by the circulation desk in the children’s room and someone will help you get signed up and give you all the information you need to participate in this program!
Need a tracking log?
Click here to print out a log at home or stop by the circulation desk in the children’s room. Make sure to check back in with us after every 100 books so your child can pick out a prize, with special prizes when they reach 500 books and 1000 books!
Have more questions?
Feel free to email me at or ask for me when you visit the children’s room if you still have more questions.