Have a Question? We can Help!
- In person
Come to the Reference Desk and receive individual, in-depth assistance with your question. - Call the Rockaway Township Library
For quick answers call 973-627-2344. A librarian will help you locate books and other materials, answer questions and explain how to use library resources from home. - E-mail
E-mail a librarian at rockawaytwplibrary@rtlibrary.org – we’ll try to answer your questions in one to three business days. - Text
Use your cell phone to text a librarian at 973-298-0785 – we’ll try to answer your questions in one to three business days. - Medical Question?
Fill out a form and information will be provided about a specific disease, surgery or medical test by a librarian at Morristown Memorial Hospital. - Ask us over the web
Click here to find our web form if you don’t have e-mail.